My Work

April 17th

a photo of a house key and relates to the imagery in the poem

Their shadows brushed
our thresholds, our window panes
as they marched down
our city streets.
They demanded to hold
our keys and deeds
promising to protect us
from the enemy.

We became refugees in our own city
as we filtered onto our roads,
herded from our homes.

A deep crunch was heard
as it rolled across the earth,
the tank passing us and
my mother clasped her hands, praying
that it hadn’t been the bones
of a fallen neighbor.

They screamed hurray, hurray,
as they sprayed it in our blood,
on our buildings.
Our eyes abandoned wells,
as their celebration began.
A deep crimson coating
our streets.

The very color bleeding
into the noose
that encircled
their necks.

This is a revised version of the poem that was originally published in Poetry Quarterly, Issue 9


StrengthsFinder 2.0 – Book Review

Strengthsfinder 2.0 book review and book photo lay

We live in a culture fixated on what you do wrong instead of what you’re doing right. Well, not necessarily wrong, but it’s hard to disassociate weakness with a feeling of wrongness. It’s easier to take a magnifying glass and look over at what’s going wrong instead of the positives. Introspection is a good thing. It’s something we all do, yet the magnifying glass we’re using reflects too much sunlight, burning huge holes in our productivity, and causing constant little fires. We focus too much on our weaknesses instead of our strengths.

StrengthsFinder 2.0 from Gallup and by Tom Rath is an updated guide on the successful Now, Discover Your Strengths. It’s a culmination of over 40 years of research by Gallup on how successful individuals harness their strengths, and how every one of us can do the same. 

The points made in StrengthsFinder 2.0 sometimes feel counterintuitive to everything we’ve ever learned about developing our skills…and that’s why we need it.

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Writing and Networking

Networking is a struggle for me.

We hear it over and over that networking is something we all should be doing. For our careers, it’s absolutely vital.

In the moment, I do pretty well with making conversation, asking the right questions, reading social cues, and actively listening. I genuinely enjoy learning more about other people and hearing their unique perspective on their profession.

It’s the internal crisis before networking that gets me feeling uncomfortable.

What do we talk about?  Small talk, like the weather? Ugh.  How do I narrow down my job description, so it’s palatable?  What was a really good question to ask again?

Shit. Do I have my business cards?

Every niggling thought, every doubt just sprouts up. A few breathing exercises, a small pep talk, and a quick triple-checking that I have my business cards — I feel ready to go.

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My Work

In the exhibit

I touched the surface
of the moon
millions of miles reduced
to a single panel
so my small fingers could
dip into each crevice
feel each crater, each mare

I felt like a god for a
single second
closed my eyes
as I explored a fraction
of her lunar face
before I moved on

I left the panel behind
became small again
single atoms
staring at the painting
of an astronaut catching
a bus to the moon

I knew right then
in my short lifetime
I will never have
the chance to
touch the moon again


I was inspired by the Lunar Attraction at the Peabody Essex Museum. Check it out if you’re in the area!

This poem was also featured on the PEM’s blog.